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13 May, 2011

Shadowmap bias notes

Update: Better diagrams from the Space Marine rendering presentation:


Julien Koenen said...

Hey, Thanks for that! I just implemented that into our pre-pass lighting renderer and it works much better then our previous bias (via the projection matrix).

Aras Pranckevičius said...

Sounds a lot like "Normal Offset Shadows" from GDC2011 poster?

DEADC0DE said...

Oh cool! I'm still catching up with GDC, too busy, I saw that website a while ago though and yes its exactly the same idea, I just didn't want to pay the price of fetching normals in our deferred shadowin pass so ended up using the view vector insted. Really stupid trick but it seems to solve a lot of shadow acne problems. These are some sketches I did at work to think about the biases and how o correctly use them, then I added the text and took two pictures with my cellphone...