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29 July, 2013

Tiny HDR writer

It's really annoying to see the lack of simple (i.e. one function) writers of HDR image formats. I wrote my own Radiance HDR (RGB-exponent) and floating point TIFF writers. (forgive the sin of using std::string as a vector of bytes, was done as certain file write function in the framework used strings). 

They are rather ignorant as you will see from the source, rather slow too... But making them clever is left as an exercise to the reader, let's say this is really nothing more than documentation on the formats themselves, or better, on the minimal subset of the formats you need to know in order to write out HDR data.

Also you might want, as the TIFF routine writes raw float data, to convert it into and "inline" operation (i.e. BeginTiff, PushFloat, EndTiff kind of interface), which is simple enough especially if you move the IFD before the image data... Also, it would be much easier if it wrote the endian in the header based on your current platform file output order, making it easier than byte-by-byte writing as it is now.

UpdateAras Pranckevičius tweeted his EXR writer, so I was wrong, where was at least one simple HDR writer out there already. Also, EXR is more widespread than floating point TIF, and even easier... Partially related, Jon Olick has a neat single file JPEG and MPEG writers, handy (and I'm sure everybody knows about stb_image and image write, but just in case...)!

// and
// Not all programs support floating-point TIFFs, this was tested reading it back using Picturenaut and HDRShop
static std::string EncodeFloatTIFF(unsigned int wunsigned int hfloatRGBdataunsigned int floatsPerPixel = 4)
 assert(floatsPerPixel>=3); // we write only three floats (RGB) but support larger strides
 std::string outData;
 unsigned int image_size_bytes = w*h*3 * sizeof(float);
 outData.reserve(image_size_bytes + 500); // 500 is some slack for headers etc, I should compute it exactly... :)
 // Header
 outData.push_back(0x4d); outData.push_back(0x4d); // First two chars specify MM for big endian TODO - convert to little to make it easier on x86
 outData.push_back(0); outData.push_back(42); // Tiff version ID 
 unsigned int IFD_offset = 8 + image_size_bytes; // IFD table usually follows image
 outData.push_back((IFD_offset & 0xff000000) >> 24);
 outData.push_back((IFD_offset & 0xff0000) >> 16);
 outData.push_back((IFD_offset & 0xff00) >> 8);
 outData.push_back(IFD_offset & 0xff);
 // Image data
 for (unsigned int y=0; y<h; y++) 
  for (unsigned int x=0; x<w; x++) 
   unsigned int f = 0;
   for(; f< 3; f++,RGBdata++)
    uint32_t floatAsInt = *reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(RGBdata);
    outData.push_back((floatAsInt & 0xff000000) >> 24);
    outData.push_back((floatAsInt & 0xff0000) >> 16);
    outData.push_back((floatAsInt & 0xff00) >> 8);
    outData.push_back(floatAsInt & 0xff);
   for(; f<floatsPerPixel; f++)
 // IFD Tags
 unsigned int NUM_IFD = 12;
 assert(outData.size() == IFD_offset);
 outData.push_back(NUM_IFD); // Number of tags
 outData.push_back(1); outData.push_back(0); // -- width tag
 outData.push_back(0); outData.push_back(3); // short format
 outData.push_back(0); outData.push_back(0); outData.push_back(0); outData.push_back(1); // single value
 outData.push_back((w & 0xff00) >> 8); outData.push_back(w & 0xff); // value
 outData.push_back(0); outData.push_back(0); // padding (as we specified short value)
 outData.push_back(1); outData.push_back(1); // -- height tag
 outData.push_back(0); outData.push_back(3); // short format
 outData.push_back(0); outData.push_back(0); outData.push_back(0); outData.push_back(1); // single value
 outData.push_back((h & 0xff00) >> 8); outData.push_back(h & 0xff); // value
 outData.push_back(0); outData.push_back(0); // padding (as we specified short value)
 outData.push_back(1); outData.push_back(3); // -- compression
 outData.push_back(0); outData.push_back(3); // short format
 outData.push_back(0); outData.push_back(0); outData.push_back(0); outData.push_back(1); // single value
 outData.push_back(0); outData.push_back(1); // none
 outData.push_back(0); outData.push_back(0); // padding (as we specified short value)
 outData.push_back(1); outData.push_back(6); // -- photometric interpretation
 outData.push_back(0); outData.push_back(3); // short format
 outData.push_back(0); outData.push_back(0); outData.push_back(0); outData.push_back(1); // single value
 outData.push_back(0); outData.push_back(2); // RGB
 outData.push_back(0); outData.push_back(0); // padding (as we specified short value)
 outData.push_back(1); outData.push_back(0x12); // -- orientation
 outData.push_back(0); outData.push_back(3); // short format
 outData.push_back(0); outData.push_back(0); outData.push_back(0); outData.push_back(1); // single value
 outData.push_back(0); outData.push_back(1); // 
 outData.push_back(0); outData.push_back(0); // padding (as we specified short value)
 outData.push_back(1); outData.push_back(0x15); // -- samples per pixel
 outData.push_back(0); outData.push_back(3); // short format
 outData.push_back(0); outData.push_back(0); outData.push_back(0); outData.push_back(1); // single value
 outData.push_back(0); outData.push_back(3); // three samples (RGB)
 outData.push_back(0); outData.push_back(0); // padding (as we specified short value)
 outData.push_back(1); outData.push_back(0x16); // -- rows per strip
 outData.push_back(0); outData.push_back(3); // short format
 outData.push_back(0); outData.push_back(0); outData.push_back(0); outData.push_back(1); // single value
 outData.push_back((h & 0xff00) >> 8); outData.push_back(h & 0xff); // value
 outData.push_back(0); outData.push_back(0); // padding (as we specified short value)
 outData.push_back(1); outData.push_back(0x17); // -- strip byte count (total size)
 outData.push_back(0); outData.push_back(4); // long format
 outData.push_back(0); outData.push_back(0); outData.push_back(0); outData.push_back(1); // single value
 outData.push_back((image_size_bytes & 0xff000000) >> 24);
 outData.push_back((image_size_bytes & 0xff0000) >> 16);
 outData.push_back((image_size_bytes & 0xff00) >> 8);
 outData.push_back(image_size_bytes & 0xff);
 outData.push_back(1); outData.push_back(0x1c); // -- planar configuration
 outData.push_back(0); outData.push_back(3); // short format
 outData.push_back(0); outData.push_back(0); outData.push_back(0); outData.push_back(1); // single value
 outData.push_back(0); outData.push_back(1); // single image plane
 outData.push_back(0); outData.push_back(0); // padding (as we specified short value)
 outData.push_back(1); outData.push_back(0x11); // -- strip offset
 outData.push_back(0); outData.push_back(4); // long format
 outData.push_back(0); outData.push_back(0); outData.push_back(0); outData.push_back(1); // single value
 outData.push_back(0); outData.push_back(0); outData.push_back(0); outData.push_back(8); // image starts right after the 8-byte header
 outData.push_back(1); outData.push_back(2); // -- bits per sample
 outData.push_back(0); outData.push_back(3); // short format
 outData.push_back(0); outData.push_back(0); outData.push_back(0); outData.push_back(3); // three values
 unsigned int BPS_offset = 8 + image_size_bytes + 2 + (NUM_IFD * 12) + 4; // offset to data (as data is > 4 bytes)
 outData.push_back((BPS_offset & 0xff000000) >> 24);
 outData.push_back((BPS_offset & 0xff0000) >> 16);
 outData.push_back((BPS_offset & 0xff00) >> 8);
 outData.push_back(BPS_offset & 0xff);
 outData.push_back(1); outData.push_back(0x53); // -- sample format
 outData.push_back(0); outData.push_back(3); // short format
 outData.push_back(0); outData.push_back(0); outData.push_back(0); outData.push_back(3); // three values
 unsigned int SF_offset = BPS_offset + 3*2; // offset to data (as data is > 4 bytes)
 outData.push_back((SF_offset & 0xff000000) >> 24);
 outData.push_back((SF_offset & 0xff0000) >> 16);
 outData.push_back((SF_offset & 0xff00) >> 8);
 outData.push_back(SF_offset & 0xff);
 outData.push_back(0); outData.push_back(0); outData.push_back(0); outData.push_back(0); // IFD END
 // bits per sample data
 assert(outData.size() == BPS_offset);
 outData.push_back(0); outData.push_back(8*sizeof(float)); outData.push_back(0); outData.push_back(8*sizeof(float)); outData.push_back(0); outData.push_back(8*sizeof(float));
 // sample format data (1 = uint, 2 = sint, 3 = float)
 assert(outData.size() == SF_offset);
 outData.push_back(0); outData.push_back(3); outData.push_back(0); outData.push_back(3); outData.push_back(0); outData.push_back(3);
 return outData;

static std::string EncodeRadianceHDR(unsigned int wunsigned int hfloatRGBdataunsigned int floatsPerPixel = 4)
assert(floatsPerPixel >= 3); // we write only three floats (RGB) but support larger strides
// Key-Value pairs after RADIANCE are optional //const char header[] = "#?RADIANCE\nEXPOSURE=1\nGAMMA=2.2\nFORMAT=32-bit_rle_rgbe\n\n"; const char header[] = "#?RADIANCE\nFORMAT=32-bit_rle_rgbe\n\n"; std::string outData; outData.reserve(w*h*4 + sizeof(header) + 200); // 200 is some slack... std::vector<unsigned char> scanline[4]; scanline[0].resize(w); scanline[1].resize(w); scanline[2].resize(w); scanline[3].resize(w); outData.append(header, sizeof(header)-1); outData.append("-Y ", 3); outData += std::to_string(h); outData.append(" +X ", 4); outData += std::to_string(w); outData.push_back('\n'); for(unsigned int y=0 ; y<h; y++) { // RLE header // TODO looking at stb_image there seems to be also a non RLE line mode, which we should use as we don't really encode RLE here, // but I'm not sure that the way stb_image decodes the line header is standard-compliant... outData.push_back(2); outData.push_back(2); outData.push_back( (unsigned char)((w>>8) & 0xff) ); outData.push_back( (unsigned char)(w & 0xff) ); for(unsigned int x=0 ; x<w; x++) { unsigned char encodedPixel[4]; float r = RGBdata[0], g = RGBdata[1], b= RGBdata[2]; //r /= 179.0; g /= 179.0; b /= 179.0;   double maxV = r; if(maxV < g) maxV = g; if(maxV < b) maxV = b; if(maxV < std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon()) { encodedPixel[0] = encodedPixel[1] = encodedPixel[2] = encodedPixel[3] = 0; } else { int e; maxV = frexp(maxV, &e) * 256.0/maxV; encodedPixel[0] = unsigned char(maxV * r); encodedPixel[1] = unsigned char(maxV * g); encodedPixel[2] = unsigned char(maxV * b); encodedPixel[3] = unsigned char(e + 128); } scanline[0][x] = encodedPixel[0]; scanline[1][x] = encodedPixel[1]; scanline[2][x] = encodedPixel[2]; scanline[3][x] = encodedPixel[3]; RGBdata += floatsPerPixel; } // For simplicity, write all as it was not RLE... for(unsigned int line=0; line < 4; line++) { auto scanIter = scanline[line].begin(); auto scanEnd = scanline[line].end(); while( scanIter < scanEnd ) { size_t remaining = scanEnd-scanIter; // the last bit in a char, if set, would indicate a RLE run, we want to avoid that unsigned char toWrite = remaining>127 ? 127 : (unsigned char)remaining;  outData.push_back(toWrite); // length of the "non run" data outData.append((char*)& scanIter[0], (size_t)toWrite); scanIter += (size_t)toWrite; } } } return outData; }

1 comment:

Thorsten said...

We usually use DevIL ( ), works fine with Radiance HDR :)