I'm quite good at maths but I always sucked at physics. I can simulate simple particle systems, and have a decent knowledge into fluid dynamics, even if not enough to truly understand it. Electromagnetism is magic to me and I didn't know how to simulate constrained rigid bodies. As the game I've almost finished relies heavily on physics, I decided to go and find some tutorials on rigid body simulation for games. The following is a list of what I've found useful, in the order it should be read:
- http://chrishecker.com/How_to_Simulate_a_Ponytail
- http://chrishecker.com/images/e/e8/Gdmag200003-ponytail-1.pdf
- http://chrishecker.com/images/a/a5/Gdmag200004-ponytail-2.pdf
- http://chrishecker.com/Five_Physics_Simulators_for_Articulated_Bodies
- http://www.cs.cmu.edu/afs/cs/user/baraff/www/papers/sig96.pdf
- http://www.slimy.com/~steuard/teaching/tutorials/Lagrange.html
- http://www.cs.cmu.edu/afs/cs/user/baraff/www/pbm/pbm.html
- http://www.gphysics.com/downloads
- http://www.bulletphysics.com/Bullet/phpBB3/
- http://i31www.ira.uka.de/docs/DynamicSimulation.pdf (http://www.impulse-based.de/)
- http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/summary?doi=
- more to come... suggestions appreciated (especially good tutorials on solvers of the Lagrange multiplier constraits, PGS and sequential impulses, and simple tutorials of the reduced coordinates approach)
http://pal.sf.net/ is also interesting if your deciding between different physics engines.
Reading Box2D source code is good way to learn too.
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